Monday, January 22, 2018

My 2nd last week (Mi Penultima Semana!)

January 22nd, 2018 

Monday - today was dope!!! So we invited some people to come play basketball with us, first time in 3 years that I have played and I was real rusty!!! But they weren’t the best players ever, they did have some good players, but it was awesome and after we taught them a lesson on the court we taught them all a lesson afterwards and are gonna start teaching 5 of them. 

Tuesday - we had intercambio (exchanges) and I went with my old companion Elder Rodriguez the spaniard. So I went with him and we just talked about all the things that have happened since our time together, haha it was super funny. Then we watched the press conference of President Nelson, and the first presidency changed!! I thought it would stay the same but Elder Oaks is awesome!! They will do some great things together. 

Wednesday - in the morning me and Rodriguez went to Sauce to do the interviews of Betina and Facundo. We went bright and early and everything went really well, we taught them the final commandment that they needed to learn and follow, then they passed with flying colors!!! Then the other elders went and taught Camilo and Nico about the word of wisdom and chastity and Camilo said, “oh yea this is easy since I play soccer professionally (word of wisdom) but the other will be harder for me. But he accepted to follow it! In the afternoon we talked to a less active family and the cousin of Nico!

Thursday - In the night was our main visit of the day, so on Sunday a recent convert came to church with his brother and said he wanted to be baptized. So we went over to their house to teach the brother a little bit more about baptism and the importance of it in our lives, really why baptism is important, and why GOD wants us to do it. Honestly it is the mark of a new life, saying to God that we will follow what he commands. It represents the birth of that new life, leaving behind all of our errors, turning a new page and entering in a path of inner peace, one where we have a perspective of who we are, and why we are here! 

Friday - We went back to Camilo’s house in the morning and taught him the 10 commandments, haha it was funny because Nico was training, and got back right when we finished the first prayer. In the afternoon we talked to a girl who lives in Paraguay but is here on vacation for a month, but she was a really nice girl! Then we got some really bad news. So Mauricio Coasini (Betina’s step dad) was at the church and told us that Betina was unsure that she wanted to be baptized, so we started praying really really hard! haha 

Saturday - So we decided to go to their house early in morning and she was fine, everything was fixed. Basically she just felt a lot of pressure from everyone else and said that she wouldn’t do it just to get everyone off her case. So the next day she was good and we had a really god baptismal service and Mauricio baptized Facundo!! It was awesome because he almost didn’t say the ordinance because he was crying so much. After Betina gave a strong testimony about the church and why it is necessary in all of our lives! And later we went to teach one of the kids we played basketball with, and he’s a really cool kid, I think he has a lot of potential to progress. 

Sunday - Well Betina and Facundo were confirmed today. So now we have their whole family of 7 in the church filling up the rows. Haha it’s nice to see those benches full. But better than that is the feeling the people get when they experiment and learn about the  Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I know the church is true, and that by being baptized and following the commandments is the only way we can return to our Father in Heaven. I love this work and sadly it’s coming to an end, but I know I can keep doing it back home!

Love you guys!!!!!!

Elder Grigor 

The Baptism 

My companion using an umbrella in 40 degree heat 

Me in front of a Toledo sign 

Hahaha! My face :) 

I was teaching a lesson and someone put shades on me 

I love this work and I am so glad to see so much success at the end of my mission

January 15th, 2018 

Monday - so we had to go to Tres Cruces, a big meeting point for the mission so that my comp could sign his papers. So when we left we took the wrong bus and went 30 minutes in the wrong direction. So we had to catch another bus to go back to Tres Cruces, then another to our area, long story short we turned an hour journey into 3, great way to spend a p-day!!! Then in the night we went to Mia’s house to teach her one last thing for her baptism this weekend.

Tuesday- In the morning we taught Nico and Camilo about the gospel, and man Camilo is sooo funny, he was cracking jokes and I couldn’t help but laugh, and he had the funniest story about repentance. So Nico shared one about when we stole something when he was little and felt horrible and returned it. Camilo said oh yea that happened to me once, I was in a store and stole some chips and opened the bag, but when that sweet salty smell hit my nose I couldn’t help it. So then Nico says “then you didn’t repent because you never returned it”, and Camilo said “no i did, because afterwards I crumpled up the bag and threw it in their trash bin!!” and haha I lost i!! Then in the afternoon we visited visited a less active man named Ariel. He’s a cool dude and pretty jacked! And to finish off we talked with a lady named Loren. We have tried to teach her for a while but without success and finally got a lesson with her and we talked a little about the restoration. 

Wednesday - Well the only lesson we had today was with the Coasini’s out in sauce. We taught them about eternal marriage and how that is the next goal! They need to work all this year to be able to go to the temple. 

Thursday - Today we had Mia’s interview and it was pretty late so Elder Rodriguez and  Young had a sleep over!! Also we did a couple visits with the hot dog lady, and some less active people.

Friday - we stopped be Nico’s house to try and teach Camilo but he wasn’t there, so we read Mosiah 2:41 with him. Then in the night we watched the funeral of President Monson (which was great by the way) and then we had ward council.

Saturday - Baptism day!! also known as P-day!!! Only because we have to stay in the church the whole day watching the font fill up and making sure that there are no problems. So from 3 to 9 we were there filling the font and doing the baptism.

Sunday - Well it started raining like crazy here, but in the morning it was good. Mia was confirmed and a recent convert brought his brother to church and told us that he also wants to be baptized! WOO!! thanks for doing our work for us!!! Then in the afternoon we visited one person and during the whole day I was literally walking in a puddle. I had boots and dumped out probably about 1 litre of water out of each one, but I was loving it! It’ll probably be my last one here.

Well I only have 2 weeks left basically. It’ all going by soo fast. I kinda want it to go slower, because I honestly don’t want to go home, but I know it has to end sometime! I love this work and I am glad to see so much success at the end of my mission.


Elder Grigor

Mia's Baptism 

I am so grateful to be placed in this area and see so many miracles

January 8th, 2018 

Monday - We finished writing at the members house and then went to the Vicente’s house to get Mia ready for her baptism next week. 

Tuesday - Today was pretty normal, we had district meeting, and arrived a little late, but I did get my scriptures cover finally!!!!! I was waiting a long time for those. Then we only had one lesson in the afternoon with Mariela the hot dog lady!

Wednesday - In the morning we went by Nico’s house preparing him for his baptism this weekend, then we tried to teach his friends a little bit as well abut the restoration and why he’s doing the things he’s doing. Then we went to Coasini’s house and Betina got her answer!!!! Its a miracle!!!!! So she’s ready for her baptism the 20th

Thursday - Today we talked to Mia again because we ate lunch at her grandparents house. Then we walked in the blazing heat all day and only had one lesson with a less active man.

Friday - We had interviews with president and this is my second last one here in the mission, it’s kinda sad that this is all ending, but exciting at the same time!! Then we got home in enough time to have 1 lesson with a cool 18 year old dude. Then we had Nico’s interviews and while he was being interviewed we talked with Camilo, his cousin who is getting baptized on the 27th

Saturday - Nico’s baptism!!! Well we were in the church all day filling up the font and waiting for Nico to get there, and it was a really good experience. Nico gave his testimony at the end and it was really powerful, I think that he will be a good active member. 

Sunday - The confirmation!!!! haha Nico said he felt amazing while he was up on the stand and they gave him the holy ghost. Honestly it’s such an amazing experience participating in holy ordinances, you always feel like there is definitely a supreme power.

WELL THIS WEEK WAS PRETTY short because we had some complications in cyber, but I am so grateful to have been placed in this area and to have seen so many miracles at the end of my mission!


Elder Grigor

Nico's baptism 

I should have listened to my mom .....

January 1st, 2018 

Tuesday - Well, I should’ve listened to what mom told me, well actually I  should’ve called earlier because I ate waaay too much candy and got sick. So I was running to and from the bathroom all day today!! So I got another day off!!! haha but I would've liked leaving, because it was way too boring staying inside since there is nothing to do. 

Wednesday - today we went to Nico’s house in the morning and taught him about tithing. Luckily he doesn’t work so he had no problem with it, but he said he’s was going to pay tithing when he gets a job. Then we met one of his friend at the end of the lesson. After that we went out to Sauce to have lunch with the Coasini’s, and afterwards we taught them about the Book of Mormon a little more, to help Bettina receive her answer. Then we came home and taught Maria about the plan of salvation and hahaha, she had a super funny thought. We asked her where we came from before we were born, and she said “I think we were just floating spirits and we crashed into a pregnant woman, then we were born”.

Thursday - today was my favourite day, weekly planning. We got to stay inside until 12, then we ate with an investigator of ours, and taught them a little more about going to church. They are having some problems getting up in the mornings. Then we taught the hot dog lady and after we visited a less active who’s son isn’t a member but is very receptive. So we taught the restoration and tried to put a baptismal date but he didn't really want it. But we finally got him to accept one, and we are gonna work with him for the 3 of February. 

Friday - well we went back to Nico’s house, and his friend that we met before was there and participated in the charla. Haha he told us that he wanted to be baptized, so we invited him this Sunday and set a fecha for the 27th, so hopefully we can teach him well before that date. And in the afternoon we planned out some things for the baptism next Saturday. 

Saturday - Well it was a pretty horrible day, super hot outside and we didn’t have any set lessons, so we walked a lot today doing contacts. Then we visited a couple of members trying to find some relief of the heat, and visited Mia Vicente in the night to get her ready for her baptism on the 13th. 

Sunday - Today was awesome! Nico and Camilo (his friend) came to church today. Then the Coasini’s came as well, and Mia Vicente. I had to give a talk today in sacrament meeting. I talked about the ministry of Jesus and related it to missionary work, Then I had to teach the gospel principles class because the teacher didn’t come. So I’m pretty sure everyone was sick of me talking. Then in the afternoon we went to a couple of members homes since no one accepts us here on holidays. Then we stayed up to watch the fireworks, climbed up on our 15 foot roof and watched the sky blow up. It was pretty fun, it reminded me of the 1st of July. 

Well I forgot to take pictures this week, but we had a really good week, mostly just preparing all of our investigators for baptism, (which is what missionary work should be!!) 
Anyways it was a good week.


Elder Grigor

Merry Christmas !!!

December 25th, 2017 

Monday - well, I’m not really sure what we did today, I just remember that we did something! Oh! but we did have a family home evening with the 
Vicente’s. We’re teaching their granddaughter, but she wasn't there so we talked about the "will of god" video by Elder Christofferson

Tuesday - Today was change day, but since neither of us is leaving it was a normal day. Today was a fairly normal day, we had a lesson with an investigator and she had a friend over, so it was raining pretty hard, so we saw them in the doorway and taught them through the doorframe, while they sat in front of us. So we have a baptismal date for the investigator that we already had, so we talked about that and her friend said that she wants to be baptized, so we put a date for her as well. 

Wednesday - today was awesome!! We had the Christmas conference, it was amazing. I saw a lot of old friends I haven’t seen for a while. I also saw Hermana Chubak, and then we ate some AMAZING FOOD. In the conference we talked about the rules and the atonement, it was really cool the connection president made with that. Then we talked about the Book of Mormon as well. Then we went straight to the Coasini house from the conference to go and teach Betina and Facundo, to get them ready for their baptism on the 20th

Thursday - well pretty normal day as well, we stopped by the Vicent’s house to teach Mia (their granddaughter) and honestly my memory is fading in my old age, I can’t remember what we did today, I’m pretty sure we walked around a lot and testified of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 

Friday - today in the morning we had a pretty funny lesson with Nico. We taught him chastity and he said, “well guys I hate lying, soo I think this is gonna be the hardest one to follow”, and he made a bunch of funny jokes. But we explained it to him, and afterwards he said, “I don’t know, it seems pretty weird, and tough to follow, but if you guys say it’ll get me closer to Christ ill try it!!!!!”  Woooo I love that kid. Today when we were playing futbol we invited one of his friends, and his friend said “hey Nico you wanna drink after this, and Nico said “no! I don’t do that anymore”, then he came and told us and how he said no!!!! 

Saturday - In the morning today we visited some old investigators, they are really awesome and have a great testimony of the church, the only thing is that she needs to get married. Then in the afternoon not too much happened, most of the people were running around trying to get things ready for tomorrow

Domingo - well I forgot that church was only for an hour today and planned for the 3 hours, but good thing was, Nico came!! as well as the Coasini family and Mia with the Vicente’s!!!!! Then in the afternoon no one wanted to talked to us, but we went to the Vicente’s for a little bit, ate a ton and talked with them. Then another member invited us to go eat with them so we went there as well, then we got home at 20:30 (we had permission from the president) and then watched the fireworks on the roof of our house. 

Christmas!!!!!!! - Well we opened up presents in the morning! haha I loved mine, 2 shirts and tons of candy! I gave my comp a gift as well, a red leather articles of faith, haha I waited 6 months to buy myself that and ended up giving it to him, but it was great he liked it. Then we ate and came to the church to SKYPE OUR FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!!! 

Well it was a great week, with how things are going we should have at least 4 baptisms this change. Next week on the 6th we will have one of those. I’m soo grateful for all the miracles and help from the lord we had in this area, it’s humbling to be a part of.


Elder Grigor

Christmas Morning in Uruguay - so simple and humble. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

We need to make sure they are converted and not just baptized

December 18th, 2017 

Monday - so.. we had nothing planned today, so we were just walking around knocking doors, and haha we found a house with 2 emus in the yards (a small ostrich) so we played with them for a bit. Then I said a prayer for God to guide us towards someone we could teach. So my comp says “hey let’s go to this members house and ask for a reference”. So we went by and ended up helping her put up her Christmas lights, then they invited us in to teach his non member daughter (who we had taught before) but then they told us about their 9 year old granddaughter who isn’t a member and wants to be baptized, so they gave us that reference and we’ll be teaching her soon.

Tuesday - We had district meeting today and I cant remember what we talked about exactly, my memory is failing me in my old age. But I went to another area today in intercambios in a place called Beautiful Italy. It wasn’t really that beautiful though, just a bunch of nasty fields with garbage in them. But we did a couple visits today to some of the investigators of my district leader.

Wednesday - In the morning I couldn’t shower because there was no water in the house, then today was probably the hottest day of the week, and  I was smelling pretty ripe! Then we went to Nico’s house but he was sleeping, so we went to some members house to visit them, and went to Nico’s house a little later, and taught him about baptism and enduring to the end then in the afternoon we went to the Coasini’s house to have lunch, and then we helped paint the house of her daughter. Then afterwards we started chatting with the daughter and she went to church a while ago. But never got baptized because she never prayed to figure out if it was true. So we watched the restoration with them and put a baptismal date with the daughter and her son, and they said yes, so we have 2 more baptisms for the 20th. 

Thursday - Today we visited a couple people, the main one was the Vicente family, (the family we visited on Monday) and we started teaching Mia the granddaughter. So we started with the basics and put a baptismal date for the 13th for her. 

Friday -  We visited Nico again in the morning and we taught him the commandments and he is understanding pretty well everything. Then in the afternoon we taught Mariela and her daughter outside of the hot dog cart. Then we played futbol at the church to finish off the day, and I am improving a lot!! I’m actually not bad anymore, everyone still kills me though. 

Saturday - We went to Nico again with a member his age to get him some friends, and taught him about the sacrament and why it’s important. Then in the night we had a noche de hogar with Victor an investigator we have, and we watched The Hand of The Master. 

Sunday - today was great, not really anything happened in the afternoon, but Betina and Facundo (the Coasini’s daughter) and Mia Vicente, and NICO!!!! wooo he finally came, and haha he told us he probably wouldn't sing the hymns, and at the end I saw him moving his lips singing a little bit. But he really liked it, he said it was really calming, and the Coasini's daughter also really liked church as well.

Well this week was awesome because we basically secured 4 baptisms for next change, so hopefully we will be able to help all of them continue to keep coming and make sure they are converted, and not just baptized. 

Love you guys,

Elder Grigor

It was great to have those 2 baptisms and see the joy that their family has received

December 11th, 2017 

Monday - we went to the Coasini’s house to teach them chastity, the final lessons before their interview, and the district leader came with us and we taught it to all four of us, then they did the interviews while we ate pizza. 

Tuesday - Well... we got lost heading to district meeting and went about 2 kms farther than the stop we should’ve, so we walked back and snagged another bus to go back. Then we got home just in time for lunch. In the afternoon all of our charlas fell through, so we went to visit a less active member, but she basically told us not to come back. 

Wednesday - Today was really good, in the morning we taught Nico and Romina about the word of wisdom, and they understood fairly well. The good thing is, is that Nico plays soccer all the time and his trainers don’t let him. So it was pretty easy, then in the afternoon we went to an investigators house named Martin, who we are thinking of dropping because he’s not progressing too much. In the night we went back to the Coasini’s house to teach them about family history and get them started on that. 

Thursday-Today we had a really good lesson with the hot dog lady and we went with the branch presidents wife, so we taught her about the gospel of Jesus Christ and haha like 3 or 4 times we had to stop because people came to buy something, but at the end she said that she would come to church.

Friday - today we went to Carrasco for something called oro conference,(training conference basically) and it was good. We learned a new way to teach the gospel to people, and learned a little bit more about the importance of the Book of Mormon. Then we got home in time to play futbol, and Nico and 2 friends came to play, which was awesome. We showed them around the chapel afterwards and they all said they wanted to come to church on Sunday. 

Saturday - well as usual we went to the church early today to fill the font and play some ping pong while we waited. Then we had the 2 baptisms, which was amazing. I could tell Mauricio was feeling the spirit, he said he wasn’t going to give his testimony, but he decided to get up and could only say “I know that this church is true”, and nothing else because he was crying too much. He’s a pretty rough police man, it’s amazing seeing the joy they feel after their baptisms. 

Sunday - well we had the confirmations today, and Nico didn’t come today because he slept in, and we don’t know what happened with Mariela, but Mauricio and Malena had a really good experience. The mother’s son came to church as well and asked for a Book of Mormon and the gospel principles book. Then in the afternoon we visited Nico and talked about the Book of Mormon and left him with the first chapter to read.

This week was interesting and flew by, it was great to have those 2 baptisms and see the joy that their family has received. That moment is what this work is all about! Well love you guys, hope you had great weeks! 


Elder Grigor 

The Baptism 

The Coasini's 

Goofing around while we waited for the font to fill up
 (there are red shorts underneath) 

My pants ripped - see pictures below ! 

More "carpet" in our apartment 

An Asado we did in our home 

My haircut !!! hahaha